Susan Howlett
Emeritus Board Member
Consultant and Author

Susan Howlett has been helping lead PSGA since 1990, when she was hired as the organization’s first staff person and conference organizer. After ten years as administrator, she served on the board for ten years, and has been an emeritus board member ever since. Grantwriting instructor for decades at the University of Washington and many area colleges, Susan (and former PSGA leader Renee Bourque) authored Getting Funded: The Complete Guide to Writing Grant Proposals, the most widely-used grantwriting text in the U.S., as well as Boards on Fire: Inspiring Leaders to Raise Money Joyfully. She served as a Subject Matter Expert for the creation of the Grant Professionals Certification process, and has been a board member, development director, executive director, and consultant to thousands of nonprofits across the country over the past 40 years. She speaks and trains nationally, known for her practical solutions to thorny problems, and her liberal use of humor, stories, and chocolate.