Shoptalk: the jargon or subject matter peculiar to an occupation or a special area of interest.
(“shoptalk,” Dictionary)
Each month, PSGA hosts two separate opportunities for Grant Professionals to network informally with their peers to talk shop. Conversations range from advice, sharing inside knowledge on a specific funder, networking for contracts or contacts, trading professional development materials, and helping welcome new Grantwriters into the local communities.
Shoptalk is intended for grant consultants and freelancers, while Stafftalk is intended for permanent staff within organizations who write grants.
The third Friday of every month
To register for a Shoptalk or Stafftalk, please go to our Event Calendar. Both are a member-only event. Join PSGA and learn about the benefits of membership here!
2024 Event Dates:
- July 19
- August 16
- September 20
- October 18
- November 15
- December 20 (Tentative)