Job Posting – Closing 09/24/2021

Job Title: Request for Qualifications: Grant Development Services
Organization Name: Workforce Snohomish
Organization Type: Other
Organization Website:

Job Description

Workforce Snohomish is releasing a solicitation for qualified vendors capable of high-quality federal grant development for the purpose of assisting Americans return to work through the development and strengthening of regional sectoral partnerships.


Since its inception, Workforce Snohomish has underpinned the county’s economic foundation by strengthening local businesses, supporting workers, and assisting unemployed residents to find gainful employment. We ensure people have the opportunity to thrive and engage in a vibrant community.

Workforce Snohomish is the recipient of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funding to oversee and operate the two WorkSource Centers in the county, located in Everett and Lynnwood. The WorkSource Centers are part of the nationwide American Job Center system offering free services such as: unemployment insurance information; employment related workshops; job fairs and on-site recruiting events; and links to educational and training opportunities. Workforce Snohomish continually seeks out partners to provide services in the WorkSource Centers, ensuring the most comprehensive system possible for county residents.

Recognizing that individuals with barriers often need more in-depth support than can be offered at the WorkSource Centers, Workforce Snohomish has developed and implemented direct employment programs to assist those with challenges become financially independent.

RFQ Project Deliverables

The intent of this RFQ is to obtain high-quality federal grant development services for the purpose of assisting Americans return to work through the development and strengthening of demand-driven, regional sectoral partnerships. The services to be provided by the contractor may include, but are not limited to the following:

  1. Gathering and consolidating research to exemplify the need for and impact of Workforce Snohomish programs;
  2. Write and edit required grant application materials;
    • Project narrative, executive summary, and design
    • Detailed descriptions of project design, activities, impact, region and population served
    • Other supporting documentation
  3. Respond to WFS staff communications via email, phone, and other channels; and
  4. Participate in strategic meetings with WFS staff as needed.
  5. RFQ Instructions
  6. Proposals must be received by 5:00 PST on September 24, 2021. Please include a letter of interest (not to exceed 2 pages), that articulates qualifications to serve in this capacity, including the following information:
  7. Expertise in federal grant development;
  8. Years of experience with grant development specifically in support of workforce and economic development;
  9. Indication of availability.

Please also provide your rate structure, such as hourly rate.

Additional information, such as CV, LinkedIn profile or other documentation may be provided as attachments, but are not required.

Please direct all questions and responses to this RFQ to All questions must be received by September 21, 2021; every effort will be made to post the question and answers to the Workforce Snohomish RFP webpage within 48 hours.

RFQ Project Schedule & Budget

This RFQ for grant development services; this is a preliminary information-gathering effort to find qualified vendors with the competencies to provide the described services. The preferred vendors list resulting from this RFQ will be valid through 2022; no subsequent RFPs will be issued for our grant development needs through that time frame.

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