Membership Renewal

Thank you for renewing with PSGA!

The Puget Sound Grantwriters Association (PSGA) Board of Directors thanks you for renewing your membership. We will do our best to provide meaningful information, training, and resources for your continual improvement and success in grantseeking.

We hope you agree that PSGA programs feature timely topics presented by some of our region’s most accomplished grants professionals and change-making funders. PSGA networking opportunities bring together the newest as well as most experienced grantwriters. We hope you have taken full advantage of your membership benefits. Not sure? Review the latest list!

*Important Note: Registration for member-only listservs does not happen automatically when you become a member. You must physically sign up for each. Start here to learn how.

Please remember that you have access to the Members Only section of the PSGA website, which includes the member directory, meeting handouts, job listings, and registration for events, all in one place. Please see below for a printable receipt.

To update your profile including changing your password, log into your account here.

Thank you for renewing with PSGA! 

PSGA Board of Directors