Dear PSGA Members and Supporters,
As the profession of grantseeking and fundraising continues to evolve, your Puget Sound Grantwriters Association is also evolving to better serve your needs.
On October 16, we will launch a brand-new event at Seattle’s Panoramic Center – “PSGA Panorama” – an educational and networking event presenting popular and vital elements from both our annual Conference and Specialized Training series. The content will include trainings tailored for newer grantwriters as well as longtime pros, and we will award the annual PSGA Grant. More details soon; please save the date!
We’re confident you’ll find great value in the presentations while enjoying a unique opportunity to connect with other professionals, including both grantwriters and funders.
As we initiate this new approach to programming, we have decided to put the Conference on hiatus for now. The cost and volunteer effort required to stage this event have become increasingly challenging, and it is our goal above all to provide you with outstanding professional training while keeping registration fees affordable and our programs accessible.
In the coming months, we will continue to reach out to our nonprofit partners and to you, our friends and supporters, to seek out and share other ideas to further energize our meetings and workshops.
We always welcome your feedback and appreciate your continued engagement as we explore new and better ways to provide you with the resources you need to support your organizations’ efforts to effect positive change for all of our communities.
We look forward to hearing from you! Please send us your thoughts and suggestions: psga@grantwriters.org.
Thank you,
The Puget Sound Grantwriters Board of Directors
Puget Sound Grantwriters Association
www.grantwriters.org | (206) 209-5274 | psga@grantwriters.org